Knights Who Stole My Heart : Knights Series Book 2 Read online

  Knights Who Stole My Heart

  Sonya Jesus

  Knights Who Stole My Heart

  By: Sonya Jesus

  Copyright © 2018 Sonya Jesus

  Edited by Codi Johnson (The Parchment Editing & PA Services)

  Cover design by Jessica Ozment

  DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Any similarities persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental. No part of this book can be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the author.

  For expressed written permission to use any likeliness of the characters or story, you may contact Author Sonya Jesus at her website below.


  Dedicated to the people who give me the courage

  to keep dreaming and believing.

  Without them, nothing would be possible.

  Chapter 1: Camera # 6


  On my way to pick up Harper for our date, I spot Jaime heading towards Connor’s Hall. I hesitate. Jaime or Harper? I spent the last couple of days trying to figure out how to handle the recent events, hating that I need both Jaime and Harper. I deplore being forced to react, rather than cause the reaction due to this repulsive relationship. It makes me sick that Amelia would lower herself, demean herself, just to please a meager freshman. What’s next? Is he going to desecrate her innocence? Or worse, is she going to allow him? Actually, want him? This is unbelievably frustrating.

  If I didn’t love her so much, I’d hate her. She’s unraveling me. She’s getting under my skin and not in the erogenous sense. When I was younger, before my father reprimanded me, he always used to say, “Poor respect is a consequence of too much trust.” Perhaps, it is time to implement my father’s lesson. Perhaps, it’s time for Amelia’s punishment. I’ve given her too much liberty, and now she's disrespectful- to herself, to me, and to the work I have invested in our relationship. I’ve obviously given her too much time to find herself. I was okay with this until I realized this journey of self-discovery is leading her further away from me. I am desperately trying to maintain my composure when it comes to her, but she’s unrecognizable sometimes. Right now, it helps to think of her as two people, my perfect Amelia and the disastrously imperfect Lia.

  I despise imperfect Lia. Undisciplined, uncontrollable, harlot embodying Lia, who is irrevocably damaging herself. Lia is a boy-crazy, self-destructive version of Amelia that is bordering on being more of a courtesan than my Queen. It’s disgraceful for someone like her to act so loosely. She frustrates me to the point where I lose all sense of control. And losing control at the moment is unthinkable- especially in light of my recent actions.

  I slipped up a couple of weeks ago- I shouldn’t have killed Bruce. Not because I feel any remorse for ending his miserable life, but I imprudently put myself in danger of being caught. Luckily, my mother didn’t question it, and the tubes, along with the evidence that I killed him, were disposed of in the biohazard waste bin. My predicament lies in the autopsy. The difference between respiratory failure, which is the normal cause of death in these cases, and asphyxia may seem negligible, but it is enough to stir suspicion if enough reason is suspected. Apart from a few minor questions, the police report states no suspicious activity and doesn’t even question the autopsy report. My mother, however, questioned every step of the way. I have to keep an eye on her. Despite her crying on my shoulder all through the funeral services, I have the distinct feeling she suspects my involvement.

  I blame Lia and being caught off guard with the boyfriend revelation, for my impromptu move. I can’t be unprepared again- I must be meticulous, cautious and careful with every move I make- and for that reason, and that reason alone, I will allow Connor to live. For now.

  Connor. I loathe him and his ability to infiltrate my life. Every fiber of my being demands a more definitive elimination strategy, but I cannot react on impulse. I’ve learned from my previous failures. A more detailed and careful plan with a permanent removal method is more yielding in the long run. I will not make the same mistake with Connor as I did with my step-father. I can’t risk it. His link to Amelia has made him inconveniently noticeable. Meaning, I can’t just kill him without having backlash and arousing suspicion. Even kidnapping is out of the question because he is never alone. Unless, of course, I want to abduct him on his way to the bathroom or the short distance between his dorm and Lia’s.

  Neither of those would provide a wide enough window for abduction. This campus has security cameras everywhere, or mostly everywhere. It’s possible to knock out the cameras if I hack the system. But, I would have to knock them all out, causing a campus-wide blackout. I’d also need to empty the generator in order to maintain the blackout. The complexity of the venture does not seem sufficient enough for the outcome. Although, I have considered knocking out the only camera that points to the parking lot where he usually parks his car. Unfortunately, Connor barely leaves campus. He’s practically untouchable, leaving me no choice but to try to get rid of him with a friendlier approach.

  Killing him myself would be so much easier, and much more pleasurable for that matter. In order to get rid of Connor, I need to depend on other people. A feat that requires various contingency plans to be set up to account for unpredictability. My safest, and easiest, option is with Jaime. If Connor cheats on Amelia, I can break them up as long as I have evidence.

  That’s why I can’t resist the opportunity to follow Jaime, who is heading into Connor’s dorm. I tuck around the side of the dorm, in an area where the shrubbery is practically forgotten, and hide. Connor lives on the first floor, and to my contentment, he always has his window open. I reach into my pocket and pull out a tiny little camera, noticing the number. I put it in the corner of the window and open the app titled Camera 6. Hidden by the shrubs, I put my earbuds on and sit. An image of Connor standing at the door and stepping aside for Jaime to pass through lights up my screen.

  She launches herself at him, and he catches her. “What are you doing, Jaime?” he says, arms on her shoulders and holding her away from him.

  She forces her hands away from him and screams, “I hate you.” A little less conversation, please. I have places to be.

  “No, you don’t,” he patronizes her. “You are just angry with me.”

  “I hate her, Connor. I hate you for liking her.” Frantic shouts pierce my ears, and I have to pull the listening device slightly out of one ear before she blows out my eardrum. “If she wasn’t in the picture you would be with me!”

  “But she is my girlfriend, Jaime, and you need to respect that.” He releases her to sit on his desk. Crossing his arms over his chest, he leans back and takes a few deep breaths before speaking. “Stop acting the way you have. Stop calling in the middle of the night. Stop watching her when she passes by you. Stop texting me her whereabouts. Just fucking stop.”

  Hmmm. Now, that I find interesting. Jaime doesn’t move from where she is, but her emotions are all over the place. Angry eyes point at him, ready and waiting to impale him with her tongue-shaped harpoon, but her body seeks a comfort Connor isn’t willing to give.

  “God, Jaime. What is your problem with her? She’s done nothing to you.”

  “How can you say that? She’s done everything to me, Connor. She’s ruined my life. She took you from me.”

  Connor shakes his head in disbelief. I can understand where he is coming from, ruining her life is more than a little overly dramatic. However, her craziness benefits me. She’s desperate, and desperate women are very easy to manipulate.

  “I was never yours, Jaime. I never lied to you about my feelings for her. Yo
u just thought that if you stuck around, I would choose you.”

  “You chose me the night of the party,” she says angrily. “You said that with me, it was not complicated.” She approaches him, causing Connor to sit up.

  “I shouldn’t have said that. I used you to make her jealous.” His apology lands on deaf ears. Jaime smacks him in the face so hard that I could hear the echo of flesh to flesh from outside.

  I snicker. He deserved more than that.

  Connor rubs his reddened cheek, massaging the sting and taking a minute to calm himself down. “Jaime, I’m going to pretend like you didn’t just slap me. You’re unhinged. There is nothing between us.”

  “Don’t you say that was nothing Connor!” she pleads, the hurt eminent in her hoarse voice. Her emotions are going on a roller coaster ride all on their own. “You know you like me,” she sniffles out the words, appearing to be in tears.

  “Yeah! You’re right, Jaime. I do like you. But, I love her.”

  She reaches out to slap him again, but he intercepts and grabs her hand. This time he was ready for her.

  She wriggles her hand free from his grasp. “I’m going to tell her about everything! How you were studying for a make-believe math test with me.” She waves her arms around, “What do you think your sweetheart will say then?”

  “I don’t care what you do, Jaime.” He steps back. “Officially, Amelia and I just started. She even asked why I didn’t take advantage with you since she and I weren’t exclusive. It’s not going to change anything.”

  Damn it. His words shock Jaime, as well as myself. Amelia wouldn’t consider it as cheating, and it is now apparent I am wasting my time.

  Jaime knew she lost her leverage. “You’ve ignored me since the party.” She’s grasping onto anything she could get a hold of.

  “You’ve been acting crazy since the party.” He doesn’t take the bait.

  “Maybe I’ve been acting that way because you’ve ignored me. Have you thought about that? I thought we were friends.”

  “Are you acting like a friend now or a crazy girlfriend?” Mot juste. “Maybe if you start acting more like the girl who is my friend, and listen to me, instead of whatever this shit is, then we can hang out when I am not with Lia.”

  “You want me to be your side piece?” she screeches, offended.

  “Huh? That’s what you got from that?” He shakes his head contemptuously, keeping his voice calm and in control. “That’s why this isn’t going to work. You can’t accept that I am in a relationship with someone and that I care about her. You should be happy for me, not freaking out.” He reprimands Jaime’s actions when he is the cause for them? What a self-centered freshman.

  “How can I be happy for you loving her, when I am in love with you, Connor?” Well, even better for me. She loves Connor, and she’s desperate and willing to latch onto anything to get her man.

  Connor ran his hand through his hair and shook his head, “How did that happen?” he skeptically questions her confession. Definitely not the answer she was looking for, though.

  “Oh, I don’t fucking know! Maybe it’s the fact that you say you want me then say you don’t. Practically beg me for sex then pull away from me the moment she calls. You’re like a fucking puppy with her. She says come, and you go. What, she gives you a little treat too?” She shoves at his chest, pushing him away, hoping he will stop her. He rests both palms on the desk, curling his fingers around the edge and steadies himself as she continues to push him, both physically and verbally. “What does she do for you, huh? Whatever it is? I assure you I can do better. There´s nothing—”

  Reaching his breaking point, he grabs her wrists and pushes her back. “Don’t talk like that about her, Jaime!”

  Hurt by the distance and scorned by his abrasiveness, she retaliates. “So, she’s good then? That why you’re keeping her around? Isn’t that what started this whole mess?”

  Now, this was interesting. I’m curious about the origin of Connor liking Lia. Maybe I could use the information.

  “We haven’t even slept together.” Thank the Lord. “You and I both know that I met her and liked her before all of that shit your sister said. She’s different. Looks to me like the only bitch in the situation is your sister. She goes around bad- mouthing Lia when she knows virtually nothing about her. Meg says Lia’s been with tons of guys, but yet, Haley says she hasn’t even really had any boyfriends since she’s been in college.”

  “I haven’t either! Doesn’t mean I haven’t screwed around,” Jaime interrupts Connor.

  “I guess that says more about you than it does about her.” I notice his jaw clench and wonder if the tension is because she’s insinuating Lia is promiscuous, or if it’s jealousy that Jaime has been around.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You know what I am saying. If you’ve been busy, then I don’t see why you need me. Go find one of your friends with benefits and fill my spot! I’m sure you can love him just as easily.” He walks over to the door and opens it.

  She screams, “I don’t want someone else, Connor! I want you! You’re going to regret your choice.” The acidity in her voice further sours the air. “I guarantee it.”

  “I doubt it! Now, get the hell out of my room and go search for your sanity someplace else because you’re acting fucking crazy.” With all the force he is using, he is going to rip the handle right off the door.

  Jaime steps through the door and out of my line of site. I quickly grab the camera off the windowsill and close everything down. I stuff the camera into my pocket as I head towards the entrance, arriving just as an angry Jaime burst through the doors. I deliberately place myself in front of her.

  “Oomph,” I enunciate as she runs into my hard chest.

  “Oh, sorry!” she says, not looking up while she fumbles through her purse for something.

  “Jaime?” With one hand on each shoulder, I steady her until she regains her footing.

  After finding her cell phone, she raises her head up until she’s looking at me. Recognition relaxes her a little, and her shoulders sag a smidge. “Are you alright?” I inquire, feigning worry. I make sure to balance my gaze between her and the building door, overstating my curiosity without speaking.

  “Yeah,” she murmurs, wiggling in my arms. Still reeling from the aftermath of her fight, she fixates on me. “I took your advice, and it sucked.” Her eyebrows raise in question, though she posed none with her words.

  I tilt my head to the side and adjust my glasses. “Sounds like it’s still too soon to tell if it sucked. Want to tell me what happened?”

  “He chose her.” She uses her hand to point towards the building and then throws it up in the air. “He. Chose. Her!” The annunciation of each word isn’t for my benefit. It’s as if she needs to scream it into the air for release. “I can’t believe he chose her!” She groans in frustration.

  Frustration, but not defeat.

  “And what? You went over there to yell at him?”

  She shrugs her shoulders, not offering any further explanation.

  “Did he say something that offended you?” I have to be careful how I word things; I need her to trust me enough to tell me what is happening. I must create a judgment-free vibe here.

  “Does it matter?” she says with a heavy voice, her eyes focusing on the gravel.

  “If he did, he shouldn’t have. There is no reason to be anything but nice to someone who obviously cares about you.”

  Her body tension eases, and she looks back towards the door to make sure we are alone. Tears glisten in her eyes for a moment.

  “How about we go for a walk, you can tell me all about it?”

  Her eyes perk up, “That’s very nice, but I don’t want to bother you.” She takes a brief moment to gauge my apparel. “You must be heading out on a date or something.”

  I know she wants to talk, and if I shut this down now, I lose my chance. Harper will have to wait.

  “No date,” I lie easily. “Just had a few er
rands to run. I can put them off a little.”

  She smiles at the fact that I put her first. Broken women always like to be put first.

  I extend my bent arm so she can hook onto it, “How about a little stroll around campus?” It doesn’t take her long to wind her arm around mine. I take us off the public path, away from where most cameras are and begin. “So, he offended you?”

  “He told me to stop acting crazy.” She huffs out a breath. “He thinks because I love him, I’m crazy.”

  I snicker internally, delusional works for me too. She is slightly neurotic.

  “So, you do love him?”

  She nods in agreement.

  “Did he say he didn’t care for you?” I couldn’t use the word love here, being privy to their conversation helps in this situation.

  “No. He cares about me- I think,” she verbalizes her doubt.

  “You think?” I pry.

  “Well, I think he wants to be with both of us at the same time. Just keep me a secret.” Not what Connor meant, but he never negated the fact. Thus, I can use that.

  “That’s deplorable, sweetheart,” I reply. “But at the risk of defending him, it also means he isn’t ready to lose you.” I give it a little time to sink in. “Maybe he wants her because she’s unattainable somehow, but that never lasts. And when it’s over he will be regretting his decision.”

  She remains quiet.

  “If you stop pursuing him, you might lose him.”

  “No way. If I keep pursuing him, he’s going to think I am psychotic.”

  Okay. I have to go about this a different way.

  “If you stay close to him, he’ll realize it faster,” I clarify. She doesn’t refute this time. “How do you think he really feels about you, putting the words he said tonight aside?”

  “He’s always been amazing to me. Well, except when she interferes. He doesn’t even see that she is just going to leave him later. My sister says she’s in love with Christopher.”