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  • Imperfect Princess (Modern Princess Collection Book 1) Page 11

Imperfect Princess (Modern Princess Collection Book 1) Read online

Page 11

  I lean back to reveal Kai, who isn’t easily missed. “Kai Madison, Corbin Kent.”

  Corbin dips his head. “Hey.”

  Kai is the one to add a bit more dialogue to the conversation. “I’ve seen you around campus. Rose tells me you’re working on a play.”

  “Are you a theater fan?”

  “Not really,” Kai admits. “But I hear this year you have someone who may be worth checking out.”

  My cheeks flush.

  “Well, both Rose and Vanessa are up for the same part.”

  “About that,” I interfere. “Maybe I can audition for Gerda? I rather not piss off the Ice Queen any more than I already have.”

  “That’s kind of my fault,” Kai chimes in. “Vanessa’s jealous. She thinks I’m interested in getting to know you more.”

  “Well, are you?” Corbin bluntly asks to my utter shame.

  “You don’t have to answer that… Corbin!” His name comes out through gritted teeth, and I find myself on my feet, ready to leave.

  Kai gets up too and addresses Corbin, “Vanessa has a lot of followers, and I’m guessing having Valerio Voight as a costume designer would be pretty intense. Just his name brings crowds, maybe even bring your show some press attention.” He stands side by side, shoulder to shoulder with me. Only air stands between us.

  “I hate that you’re right,” Corbin growls as he lies on his back, mumbling about being punished by life. “But I already bought the dress for the Snow Queen. I ordered it to fit you. Size eight?”

  “Uhm…” Why does he know my size? “Is that why you wanted me to be your Snow Queen so you didn’t have to alter it?”

  Kai chuckles.

  “Maybe if she wants the part she’ll actually eat some carbs?” Corbin asks. “Actresses gain weight for roles all the time.” He rambles on incoherently and then rolls over on the sand, face to grain.

  Kai leans into whisper in my ear. “Is he drunk?”

  I tilt my head toward him, feeling the warmth of his breath on the crook of my neck. “Maybe, or he likes to eat sand.”

  “Are you?”

  “No,” I answer again, wishing to prolong the two-letter word so I can stay in his orbit.

  “So you’ll remember me saying this… I’m really sorry.”

  I clear my throat, the weight of our past pushes against my vocal cords, silencing me. A nod is what I muster. Lame.

  “Let me make it up to you? I can show you around the Rugger Loft tomorrow? Introduce you to some of the other guys, so you don’t think the whole campus is a bunch of elite pricks.”

  His room. Maybe I can check on the book.

  “I’d like that, thank you.”

  Kai shakes the sand from his wet jeans. “I’m going to go. Tomorrow, my place? Around eight-ish?”


  Corbin waits until Kai is out of earshot before whistling. “Someone has a crush on you.”

  “I should head back to The Dungeon.”

  “Why don’t you spend the night at the beach house. See what it’s like and meet the owner? He just flew in on his private jet.”

  “Don’t you need some private time?” I ask, glancing at the time. It was still early, but I am kind of tired. “I’m going to head back. Catch up with Kai, so we can walk back together.”

  Corbin shakes his head but gets on his feet. “Yeah, I guess. Want me to escort you?”

  “No, don’t worry about it. We’re not that far from campus.”

  “Okay, see you tomorrow.” He waves at me, and I use my phone to point the way back to campus. To be honest, I need some time alone, so I walk slow.

  Catching up with Kai isn’t my goal. Too many people around me push my comfort limits.

  So, I walk along the shoreline, the waves sometimes rushing to my feet, the cool water slipping between my toes. I step on something cold and squeal, thinking it’s a jellyfish or a bug or something gross like a condom. Aiming my phone light at the sand, I find a copper coin.

  Lots of copper coins.

  Pennies all washed up on the sand. Thrown back by the ocean or left here, like forgotten shoes. I bend down to pick one up from the penny trail and hold it in my hand, remembering how Kai would trade my thoughts for pennies long ago. Rummaging through the sand, I retrieve a few and pocket them.

  A hand covers my mouth, suffocating my squeal. Before I can flail my arms, I hear my name.

  My real name.


  Covering the light with his hand, he takes the phone from me, cloaking us in darkness. “Don’t scream,” he whispers gently. “I’m not here to hurt you.” His hand slowly slides to the side, trusting me.

  “Gaspar?” My throat lurches into my nose. In a hushed voice, I say, “I don’t understand. How are you here?”

  “I took my chances with gravity, and hell wasn’t ready for me yet.”

  I should be terrified, but I’m not. “How did you find me?”

  “I’ve always known where you were.” He sighs. “After my recovery, I searched for the men who I sent you and found out they had died and nothing mentioned you. It took a lot of digging to find out you’re working for the DEA now.”

  “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “I know.” He softly pats my shoulder. “Those bastards like to bend you to their will. They asked you for the book.”

  “Yes,” I answer.

  “Kai has it. He snuck in before the government seized my assets and took it from your room.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “One of my men told me. He’s dead too.”

  I get the distinct impression he killed that man. Maybe a little scared now. “So why are you here?”

  “Because it’s time I get it back. Leave it in the castle’s bookshelf just above the main staircase on the day of the Glass Ball, and I’ll take care of the rest.”

  “What?” I panic. “The DEA…”

  “If the DEA knows that’s where I’ve written the routes, then the cartel will also know, and both of you are in danger. I’ve let him keep the book because that’s where it’s been the safest, but you coming here was a bad idea.”


  “Because while the DEA has done a good job of removing your digital imprint, they aren’t in the habit of tying up loose ends the way they should. Lots of people know what the orphan looked like. And two of them go here.”

  “They don’t know it’s me,” I rush out, fearing for their life.

  “And they won’t know,” he threatens me. “I don’t mind not leaving witnesses if it means you’re safe.”


  Dandelion wish


  Ledger walks into the double floor-dorm loft and drops his bag on the floor near the door before heading over to the couch and plopping his ass down right next to me. “What are we watching?”

  “We aren’t watching anything.” I snatch the remote from his hands and tuck it into the cushions next to me. “I am working on some things and then I have a date.”

  “Touchy, are we?” He leans back on the long sectional and props his feet up on my papers.

  “With all the room here, did you not have another place to sit?” I shove his legs off, careful not to crumple the sheets of music. After leaving the Thorn look-alike last night, the whole way back to campus I hummed a tune. Something solid and echoed. And worth an A in class.

  “I like being close to you, brotha,” he jokes and feigns offense. “What are you working on? Stuff for us or school?” When Ledger isn’t filming music, he’s posting his bulk all over Instagram. I should be thankful it’s not his junk.

  “Both, I hope. Inspiration hit me last night.”

  “Good, because our stuff is getting old.”

  My eyes roll back, and I drop the stack of music papers on the end table near me and the guitar. “Did you not hear me? I have a date.”

  “Oh, she’s coming here?” He sits up and points to the room. “On the first date? With who?”

  “Who do you think?”

  He wags his eyebrows and flicks his head to the hall. “Am I crashing on the couch tonight?” He rubs the large square area with the palm of his hand. “I like the couch. Fond memories.”

  “That’s exactly why I had to disinfect the area.” The cushions are made of soft leather, easily wipeable, and are square-shaped with enough room to fit two bodies comfortably.

  The lewd gestures coming from his direction prove what most chicks come here for.

  “Stop doing that. With Rose, it’s not like...” I circle my hand in the air in his direction. I have no idea what it’s like with her. “...all that.”

  Ledger stops abruptly, tucks a pillow between his side and his arm, and bobs his head. “Rose? Huh?”

  “Yes, Rose.” Not Thorn. “I’m messed up, not stupid. Calling her that will freak her out if she has amnesia.”

  “Pretty sure you’re both those things.” A poignant look follows his remark.

  Decoding his head is not on my agenda today. “Back off.”

  “So, you’re hanging out... here? In the common area?”


  “But not doing anything private?”

  “Stop saying it like that,” I growl and distance myself from Ledger. His prying makes me even more anxious. I was an asshole to her, and she agreed to come here. She must like me a little bit or recognize me.

  “Like what?” The tenser I get, the wider his stupid grin.

  “Like there’s something suspicious about it.” I grab two beers from the mini-fridge near the TV and throw a can in his direction. “Don’t make a mess.”

  Cleaning up the common area took me a couple hours. The Rugger Loft, as everyone calls it, had one of the largest common areas in the building. The whole team lives here, as opposed to other teams who got split up between lofts. The double-floor dorm has eight bedrooms, four on each side of a large common area in the center. The Commons, as we call it, comprises the living room, one of the common bathrooms, the kitchen, and the Play Room with all the desks.

  “Whoa? Okay...” Ledger taps the can three times before opening the drink slowly, careful not to let foam spill all over one of the black sectional couches.

  “Okay what?”

  He shrugs and brings the can to his lips to sip. “Didn’t you say she was hanging out with that theater geek? Cordon? Something like that?”

  “Something like that.” My teeth crush against each other as I think about Corbin Kent. There’s a lot of elite assholes in this school, people who grew up with more money than they could spend, but the one who has none, gets under my skin. “She may be moving in with him.”

  “Huh.” He cradles the beer between his thighs.

  “Yeah…” I grit my teeth. “She’s not a Vanessa fan.”

  “That makes three of us.” Ledger snaps his fingers and covers his mouth. “Are they dating or something? Because I told you to go after her and apologize, not screw up her life.”

  “I hope not. I have a feeling she thinks he’s gay.”

  “I didn’t get that vibe from him.”

  Neither had I.

  “Maybe you should ask her to the Glass Ball? You have two tickets, don’t you?”

  “Eh. No.” What does the glorified prom have to do with Corbin Kent? I laugh and sit back on the couch, leaving plenty of space in case Ledger decides to get cozy again. “One time is enough.”

  “Don’t you want to get dressed up?”

  “Not even a little bit.”

  “What if Rose wants to go?” Ledger smiles wide. “Maybe the playwright can take her.”

  I quickly busy my lips with gulping down half my beer. The last thing I want is another guy anywhere near Thorn—I mean—Rose.

  “Have you ever seen him with a guy?”

  “I don’t go around searching for guy on guy action.”

  “Kai, you don’t go around searching for anything. You were just with Vani because she was convenient. That’s why you don’t ‘do the sleeping around thing.’”

  With my beer, I point in his direction and shake my head. “Nuh huh. Don’t air quote like that.”

  “You always say ‘it’s not your thing’?”

  “Again, with the stupid air quotes. I prefer one girl at a time. Not all guys go around making wishes on blow jobs.”

  “Hey!” He clutches his chest tightly. “I resent that. Girls like it when I ask if they want to make a dandelion wish.”

  “Yeah, you keep spreading your seed around—”

  “Don’t finish that sentence. My dandelion is always wrapped. Only barren lands.” He tucks a pillow behind his back and gets comfy.

  “How you manage girls still baffles me.”

  “What, aren’t I charming?”

  “Yeah, a real Prince Potty Mouth.”

  “Shut the hell up.” He throws a pillow at my head, toppling over my beer and spilling it.

  Great! “What are you still doing here?” I growl out as I soak up the beer. “I don’t plan on having a threesome.”

  “Do me a favor.” He lowers his hands and gets up, placing his can on the coffee table before saying, “You just got out of a relationship that didn’t end well. Take it slow before rushing into another one.”

  He has a point. But how much slower? Thorn’s been a part of my life since she was fourteen.

  “This girl looks a lot like the girl you love. Hell, even I wish she was her, but it might not be. Tread carefully. You’re a scary ass sometimes.”

  The doorbell rings, and I jump to my feet, a little less excited to hang out with the girl. But there’s a penny in my pocket, and tonight, I’m going to find out the truth… if she remembers it.

  I open the door, and Rose is standing there, wearing flats and a flowy cream-colored dress, which shows off her long legs. The band of barely see-through lace, about four-fingers width, borders the hem. My eyes linger there.

  Before she catches me staring, I welcome her. “Hey.”

  “Hi,” she says softly, in her lyrical voice, and brushes her long waves to one side, so her blonde hair cascades over her shoulder and down her breast. “You going to invite me inside, or do you usually host all your dates out here in the hallway?”

  I grunt internally at the slight irritation of her pitch and adjust inconspicuously. Not only is the roughness of her tone hot, but she’s not wearing any lipstick. When girls take the time to do their makeup and deliberately leave off the lipstick, it’s a subliminal message that they want there to be kissing. Or dandelion wishes.

  Crap. Take it slow. I clear my throat and decide against The Reef. Too public for non-coated lips, and considering our last encounter, probably not the best place to go. “Sorry,” I apologize and step aside to let her in. “Welcome to the Rugger Loft.”

  My eyes lock on her ass and on her choice of shoes. She’s comfortable and yet dressed up, and all of that for me.

  Yeah, I really like the idea.

  “This is the Commons,” Ledger says from his seat on the armchair. I narrow my eyes at him and chuck my head to the side, telling him to get the hell out of here, but he stands up and walks toward Rose.

  “It’s big,” she says.

  “Well, we’re big boys.” Ledger extends his hand with a goofy smile plastered across his face. “I’m Ledger, by the way. We didn’t officially get introduced the other day. Your date here forgot his manners, but he’s had a lot to say—”

  I shut the door with a thud and amble toward the two. “We weren’t talking about you, Th—Rose,” I blurt out before she gets the wrong idea.

  She raises her brows in question, and then clears her thoughts with a shake. “Uh. That’s good? Not really a fan of people talking about me.”

  I pass by her, and on the way to the fridge, lean toward her, whispering, “I think about you though.”

  Her cheeks flush a soft shade of pink. Just like Thorn’s would.

  “Whatever he said, he’s lying,” Ledger says, before lowering his voice and
embarrassing me even more. “I know why he wants to keep you all to himself.”

  My head jolts in his direction with a what-the-hell expression written on my face. He shrugs nonchalantly. “What? She is very beautiful.”

  If I had picked up an undertone of flirting, I’d jam my fist into his pretty face, but the dick is testing me and trying to get a rise out of me. It won’t work. He can go get his entertainment elsewhere tonight.

  Rose’s shoulders curl inward, her hand fluttering up to her collarbone. “Want something to drink? We have water or beer.”

  “Water’s fine.”

  I grab her a bottle and myself some beer, and shut the fridge, purposely not asking Ledger what he wants. He’s not invited.

  When I turn around, Ledger is whispering something in Rose’s ear. His proximity needs to go. “Don’t believe everything he says. Ledger’s a perpetual liar and a shit-talker in the making.”

  Ledger steps back and flattens a palm against his chest, scoffing in the process. “In the making? I kind of take offense to that.” Ledger winks at her and playfully shoves my bicep.

  “I know.” Rose giggles, looking up at me through her long, curved lashes. Her hands slide into her pockets, but then remembers the water and takes the bottle from my hand.

  She knows?

  Ledger interrupts the hint of doubt surfacing. “I guess I’ll get my own beer in the room.”

  “Good idea.” I widen my eyes, and just when I go to pop open my beer, Ledger interjects, “I’ll be in my room, but the guys should be getting back from the late dinner soon. You sure you guys don’t want to take the room? I’ll hang out here and read over the new stuff Kai’s working on.”

  Rose shifts uncomfortably and adds the tiniest bit of distance between us. Any comfort she had dissipated with Ledger’s last comment. I want to hang out with her, but this place gets loud. The Rugger Loft is the closest thing to on-campus frat housing at CamU, minus the Greek letters and the raging parties. We are pretty tame during in-season.

  To get the truth, I need privacy and intimacy. Two things achievable with the one item tucked into my wallet.

  “Actually, I have a date planned.” I hand my beer to Ledger.