Knights Who Stole My Heart : Knights Series Book 2 Read online

Page 17

  I look at the drip on my arm, and he smiles. “Only after you finish the IV pack and get these relaxers into your system. Rubenstein said you had a panic attack and recommended you go to a Gastroenterologist when you get the chance. He wanted to do the whole work up here, but I told him that I’d make sure you were okay.”

  “Thanks, Weston.” I watch as he reaches into a back pocket and takes out a business card. Under his name it says, Executive Director. I flip it over, and written there is the name of a gastro doctor. “I’ll call.”

  “You better. I want a report. I hear you have a pretty busy week so go sometime this month, okay? And take it easy tonight.” I nod in agreement and Weston leaves before I can demand he bring me something to eat.

  An hour later the nurse removes my drip and I walk outside to the waiting room, where Robins is sprawled out on the couch and Harper is sleeping on her man’s lap. He’s the first one to see me. He maneuvers Harper’s head off his lap gently, placing it on the chair before he comes up to me.

  “Hey,” I say softly, so I don’t wake them up. “You guys waited? What time is it?”

  He looks at his phone. “Almost seven. Your doctor came out a while ago and told us that you were going to be just fine. That it was just a little scare and he sent most everyone home. I stayed, ended up driving these two over. Aiden took the rest of the girls and his roommates home because they were all sleeping on the chairs. We practically occupied the whole area.”

  “You guys didn’t have to stay.” His features soften and he leans into me, his arms curling around my shoulders and bringing me in close. I smell him. He smells familiar, almost like Robins, but a little different. I wonder if they use the same cologne? Why had I never noticed that before?

  “I saw you go down. I just wanted to make sure you were going to be alright,” he says, pointing to the two sleepy heads on the chairs. “They refused to leave. I should warn you: they are not happy that you didn’t do what the doctors said and let it come to this.”

  I shake my head. It sounds like he is talking about himself as well. “I’m fine. I told Reid I didn’t want to come.”

  “It is protocol. Anytime Public Safety gets called in, if you are unconscious when they arrive on site they have to send you to the ER. They only didn’t call the ambulance because Reid said he’d accompany you himself. I called in your status already so they can finish the report. Don’t worry about them following up. The important thing is that you take better care of yourself. Put the stress aside and focus on you.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  His eyes glaze over like he is thinking or sleeping, I couldn’t tell.

  When he releases me, I rush over to Harper and Robins. “Party is over people! Let’s go home.” They both stir and shoot to their feet. They yell, fan, protest and talk the entire trip until we get to the suite, where they have to be quiet because everyone else is sleeping. Hawk and Harper disappear into Harper’s bedroom, and Robins follows me into mine. He doesn’t say anything much as he pushes back the covers. I get in and pass out immediately.

  Noise in the room stirs me from my deep sleep. I nebulously hear the door squeaking and the bed dipping down next to me. I open my eyes, but it is pitch dark, and all I see is motion. Arms enclose me, pushing me back against a hard chest. At first, I think Haley let Connor in. But the scent of Robins’ cologne fills my nostrils, and I end up falling back to sleep in the comfort of Robins’ arms.

  I only wake up again when the sun peaks through my window, and I hear noises in the room. What time is it? I sit up, wishing I had my phone to check. I look around the room. Where is Robins?

  I get up, noticing that I am no longer in my uniform. Instead, I’m in a large t-shirt that I haven’t seen before, but it smells like Robins. I run my hands through my hair and throw my legs out of bed. Feeling much better, I get up, stretch my muscles, and peak out the window.

  It’s daylight. I think I just slept through Thursday.

  Oh, well. I’m thirsty, and my throat hurts a little. I take one of the water bottles out from under Mel’s bed, and chug, welcoming the water as it coats my throat. I end up going over to the microwave and pouring the rest of the water into a mug for some chamomile tea.

  In the closet, my uniform hangs on its hanger.

  Hmm. Robins must have put it up for me. I pull the t-shirt off and unhook my bra, throwing a towel over myself, and discarding my used garments in my hamper along with my spanks. I stop at my desk and open my computer.

  Why is it closed? I don’t close it often. I hit the power button so that I can figure out what time it is. It’s ten a.m. Mel must be in class right now, just like I’m supposed to be. I take a sip of my tea, wishing I could magically turn it to coffee and head out of the room.

  There’s take out on top of the coffee table in the living room, some plastic cups and a bottle of vodka on the Tiki Bar.

  I head to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My hair, which was perfectly pulled into a ponytail on Wednesday night, now looks like I stuck my finger in an electrical socket. I still have on eyeliner and no mascara smudges; surprisingly my makeup held up well. I do, however have glitter all over my face and upper body. I look like I rolled in it. I hang up the towel on the rack and get in the shower, desperate to scrub it away. After my third wash, I remember that I am just going to have to put it back on for the pep rally and give up.

  The door swings open and I hear the shuffle of steps to the stall. “Good morning!” I scream out, feeling in an exceptionally good mood. The toilet flushes and the sink turns on. I guess they didn’t hear me. I poke my head out of the plastic curtain. “Did you guys have a party while I was asleep?” I poke my head back immediately.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know you were in here.”

  My heart pounds in my chest. I definitely wasn’t expecting him here. I poke my head out a little, feeling like an idiot. “I’m really sorry, I just woke up and had to take a leak.”

  I smile. “It’s okay Christian.” Holy awkwardness. He’s in his boxers, and I’m naked. There is only a thin, plastic, hopefully not see thru curtain keeping us apart. “I didn’t know you were here either.”

  Christian nods and looks towards the stalls. “Yea, I spent the night with Natalie.”

  I squeal silently and tuck myself in the shower before he gets a glimpse of my nakedness. “I… um, well that’s good, right? You like Natalie.” I feel like an idiot. “I mean, at the diner you asked me… uh… I just assumed you liked Natalie.” I hold my breath until I hear him chuckle. Fantastic, I didn’t put my foot in my mouth.

  “Yea, she’s pretty awesome.” I nod in the shower as if he could see me. “Anyway, I’m going to let you finish up in here, I got to get going anyway. I’m glad you are feeling better though, the guys will be happy to hear it.”

  “The guys?” I cover my mouth as soon as the words come out. That’s right. The Soccer Gods were at the hospital.

  “Yea, they all came by yesterday before practice, but you were knocked out. Robins wouldn’t let us get inside. Said you were resting.” They all? Yesterday? I definitely slept a whole day.

  Christian leaves. I reach for the towel, bringing it into the stall and wrapping it around myself before stepping out, just in case any other of my suitemates decided to take a dip in the Mount Olympus gene pool.

  I wait a few minutes, giving Christian time to get dressed and leave. When I feel like sufficient time has passed, I open the door and peek through. The living room is empty.

  I stride to my bedroom and shut the door, leaning against it. A noise coming from the closet catches my attention, and I rush in there to tell Mel what just happened. I stop in my tracks. “Haley?” She’s rummaging through some of Mel’s clothes. “What are you doing?”

  She closes the second drawer as if I was the one intruding. “Mel told me I could borrow this butterfly shirt that she has. I called, and she told me it was in this drawer.” I nod and step inside; she gives me a little space
to pass through. “How are you feeling? You had us all scared.”

  I grab a shirt from my dresser and throw it over my head. “I’m feeling so much better. Though I didn’t think I needed to go the hospital. Everyone just overreacted.” I reach for a pair of underwear, sliding them on under the towel. “Try the last drawer. Sometimes she puts t-shirts in there.” I point towards the dresser.

  Haley nods, remembering what she came in here for. “Well, at least you went to the hospital. What did they say?” She asks as she hunts through the bottom drawer, careful not to unfold anything.

  “I am definitely quitting coffee for good,” I dress in leggings and the comfortable T-shirt.

  She closes the drawer and stands up. “Isn’t that Connor’s shirt?”

  Connor. Why is he always an afterthought? “Did Connor stop by?” I search for a hoodie through the rack. “I don’t have my phone or bag. So, I didn’t get a chance to call him and tell him about everything.”

  Haley frowns at me, giving me the distinct impression that she isn’t happy.

  “He called. I told him when you woke up that I’d give you his message.”

  “What message is that?” She probably told him Robins spent the night. Shit. I didn’t even think about how Connor would react.

  “He loves you, and hopes you feel better.”

  I nod a thank you.

  “But as your friend, I should tell you that he is not happy about Robins being here. Or the fact that Dylan was with you at the hospital and not him.” The way she is talking tells me she knows more than she is letting on. “Your flirting with other guys isn’t going to help fix your relationship.”

  I wasn’t. My Angel crosses her arms and raises her brows at my denial. Okay, maybe I did flirt a little, but I refuse to tell Haley that. “He told you?” I pull a zip up hoodie from the hanger forcefully, throwing it on quickly.

  “He tells me everything.” That doesn’t surprise me anymore. “Anyway, I’m going to go call Mel and find out where the shirt is.”

  I nod, giving her the dismissal she was looking for. Then I remember, I need to get my stuff, so I follow her out the closet. Since she knows everything, why not give it a shot? “Haley, do you know who has my stuff?” Inquisitive brows ask me to clarify what stuff exactly. “My cheer bag and my phone.”

  Her shoulders pump up. She doesn’t seem to know anything valuable. I go back to the closet and run the towel through my hair once again. I brush it when it’s still wet, add a little cream curl activator to the ends and put it up in a clip so that I don’t walk around with a wet T-shirt.

  Sitting at my desk, I check my e-mail and sign on to Facebook. I smile as the picture of Dylan and I pops up and asks if I want to add it to my timeline. I click yes and type out a comment, then erase it and hit the like button. I stroll through the notifications and check the messages. A bunch of people from the squad asked me how I was feeling, some of the basketball guys and even some people I didn’t know. I didn’t bother to click on the ones who weren’t my friends. I had plenty of “I’m fine, just a scare” messages to type out. I scroll down to the first one in chronological order and start typing.

  As I scroll, I spot messages from the Soccer Gods, too. I smile as I grab my, now cold, cup of chamomile and sip it. Surely, the magical effects of calming chamomile isn’t only when it’s hot. I open the first one from Sebastian, or Ste-fine, as he has now changed his name to. “Sorry I didn’t go to the hospital with you Princess. I kept tabs on you all night though. I hope you feel better soon so we can go to the diner again.” Then, on the same night, Theodore’ message. “Feel better.” I smile. Not a man of many words, is he?

  One of the last ones I got was from Aiden Keys. I’ve got your stuff in my car. I forgot, got reminded this morning. That’s it, no come and get it, or you want me to bring it down. Though, at least we were communicating. Even in his messages, he’s stiff and arrogant. I hesitate over writing him back; I can always ask Dylan or Christian to bring it to me, but then, neither of them offered to bring it down.

  I groan but type back, “Thanx. When do you think I can get them back?” I’m not trying to be pleasant, I’m avoiding being rude. Just aiming for indifferent here. After I read over the message three or four times and feel satisfied, I hover the mouse over the send button.

  What if I just went up there, my Vixen tempts me. I mean, this could be my one excuse to go up there. Then I remember Blaze’s warning to me and nix that idea. I hit send.

  Almost immediately, I get a message back. I’ll send it with Christian. There isn’t room here for me to say much else. This is Aiden Keys. He isn’t exactly the small talk kind of guy—at least not with me.

  Maybe I should ask when? As I am typing the four-letter word, he sends another message. “He just left.” I purse my lips and erase what I wrote and decide whether I should write out the word ‘okay’, shorten it to ‘ok’ , or to just ‘k’. A smiley face is out of the question. That is just too much emotion, and “k” just seemed so blazé, while “okay” kind of too much. So, I went with “Ok” then signed off immediately before I obsessed over my two letter reply.

  I wait for Christian in the living room. The knock on the door comes quickly after the conversation with Aiden, and the exchange was even faster because Christian is late for class. I take out my phone and see all the messages and missed calls. There are too many, so I don’t even bother with them. I just click the “clear” button and save them for a later time. Right now, I needed to go to Connor and deal with our relationship... our apparently damaged relationship.

  I grab my keys before heading over to his dorm. I’m about to knock on his door when I hear him yell, “This is bull shit!” Then I hear someone mumble something and Connor replying, “I can’t even believe you did that.” I look around, checking if anyone is around to observe what I’m about to do. The coast is clear, so I press my ear to the door and focus on the inside. “I won’t do any of that. Well, I don’t believe you.” He seems really angry.

  Austin joins the conversation, shouting, “Can you shut the hell up or take the call outside, I am trying to sleep?”

  Shit. I back away and run down the hall. I don’t want him to know I was eavesdropping. I reach the door just as my name is called. Dropping my head down in defeat, I turn to face Connor, who is standing out in the hall in his checkered boxer briefs. I wave a little and retrace my steps back to him.

  He holds the phone away from his face and covers it. “What are you doing here?” He doesn’t seem happy to see me.

  I smile sweetly. “Came to see you, but then I realized it was still early. I thought you would be sleeping.”

  His smile softens a little, but not by much. He growls I got to go into the phone and then calls me over. “Why wouldn’t you just knock?”

  “Austin is grouchy in the morning. I should have called first.” I try not to give him much time to think, so I fill the silence. “I just got my phone back, I didn’t have it in the hospital, and I slept all day yesterday. I woke up, and it was Friday.”

  He looks back at his room and down at himself, then grabs my hand and ushers me inside his room.

  “Austin.” He goes to the other closet and grabs sweatpants and a hoodie off the rack. “Get dressed and get out.”

  I begin to protest, but Connor hushes me.

  A bare-chested Austin sits up in his bed and holds up both his middle fingers in response to Connor’s comment.

  Connor points over to me, “I need to talk to Lia, and I don’t want to have to go outside.”

  “It’s fine,” I offer quickly, because it's rude of Connor to force Austin out just because I am here. “Let’s go out, Connor. I could use a coffee.”

  Connor wrinkles his forehead. “Haley says you shouldn’t have coffee from the Breaker. It’s worse than the one you make from the instant stuff. She says she bought you some biologically grown decaf yesterday so that you could still have some.”

  That was actually very nice of her. />
  “Haley and I are actually going to have breakfast together today.”

  Well, my one nice thought about Haley this morning just got replaced by a stream of bad words.

  “Let me just text her and tell her we should reschedule. I prefer to be with you.”

  He prefers to be with me, my Angel is apparently a parrot now. Don’t make this any worse than it already is, I tell myself. “Okay.”

  He turns to Austin. “Are you going to get out?” He throws him the clothes and Austin catches it. Looks at it and throws it back.

  “I wore that yesterday, douchebag.” Then he throws the covers off, swings himself out of bed and stands up in the complete buff.

  I look away immediately, the blush creeping over my face.

  “You keep forgetting I sleep naked.”

  Connor, glances up from his phone, scowling.

  “But since you insist I get up and get out. Morning glory and all.” His comment makes me look at his very erect groin area.

  Do all guys wake up with that? I stifle an uncomfortable laugh.

  Austin chuckles at my unease. Connor growls, not finding any humor in the situation. I turn around and focus on Connor’s computer screen while the two hash out Austin’s lack of attire. Something on the screen catches my attention. He’s on my page? Why would he be looking through my pictures? The thought escapes me when Connor begins barking out orders at Austin.

  Austin comes over to me, now clothed with some pajama pants. I tilt my head towards him, still blushing over seeing his manhood. “Sorry, Lia.” He holds up the caddy and tilts his head to it. “I’m going to go take care of Glory.”

  “Glory?” I say in a low voice, almost to myself.

  Austin’s grin goes from ear to ear. “I would let you get better acquainted with her, but Connor would kill me.”

  Her? Yep, he referred to his penis as a girl.

  “Yes, he would! Now get out!” Connor shouts at him from the opposite side of the room.

  Austin holds his hands in the air, and as soon as he shuts the door, I turn to Connor, pointing towards Austin. I didn’t have to say anything. He starts to shake his head, advising me not to go there. I raise a brow at his grumpy demeanor.